Once I embraced the FACT we live on a Flat Earth — people tried to challenge my beliefs by sharing Scriptures, talking about star rotations in the Southern Hemisphere, and even, surprisingly, sharing articles on how Southern flight times prove that we live on a globe.
At first, I started to consider that perhaps this evidence mattered somehow. Then I realized that only ONE thing mattered — and that everything else MUST have another explanation.
If you are having the “Flat Earth” conversation with friends, family, or a foe — I suggest you avoid the periphery and stick with the ONE thing that matters: Is the Earth FLAT or CURVED?
Ten Conversations to Openly Avoid
Below are ten common peripheral arguments I’ve seen Flat Earthers use to try and disprove the globe. Note: I’m not saying these things are unimportant. Quite the opposite. They are EXTREMELY important. But, in some if not all cases, they should be saved for LATER conversations — AFTER you have demonstrably PROVED the Earth is flat. Alternately, these topics can be used to evoke curiosity to get the Flat Earth conversation started. But if you want to irrefutably PROVE we live on a Flat Earth — use the line of evidence provided later in this article.
Here are my ten suggestions to avoid as proof of a Flat Earth.
The Bible Says the Earth is Flat: While I do believe this is true, a Bible-believing globe believer is going to read the Bible through foggy glasses. It is almost impossible to prove a Flat Earth from the Bible without first cleaning off their lenses. If the conversation about the Bible comes up, you could say, “I believe the Bible teaches a flat, stationary earth — as do many of NASA’s own documents (a little teaser there) — but let’s focus on the scientific evidence for the shape of the Earth, then we can see what the Bible says.” Ironically, someone today shared Isaiah 40:22 with me to prove we live on a globe.
Why Would They Lie?: Admittedly, it is hard to even consider that we live on a Flat Earth without wondering WHY “they” would lie. Again, I had this very question asked of me today. And it is an important, foundational question. If a person is not willing to look at the evidence for Flat Earth without first having this question answered — I would refer them to Heliosorcery: Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism. Otherwise, consider saying, “That’s a great question! Do you think maybe we should try to discover if they ARE lying first? Then we could look at the reasons why.”
Rotation of the Stars in the Southern Hemisphere: This was one of the first lines of evidence I was given as PROOF we live on a globe. It was also one of the last holdouts for me to accept the true nature of the Cosmos. I finally had to concede that it was irrelevant to look UP to understand the nature of the Earth. There was only one thing that mattered — what is the actual shape of the Earth? For that answer, I had to look down, out, and to God.
Flight Patterns: A great book that shows how flight patterns work better on a Flat Earth than on a Globe is 16 Emergency Landings Proving Flat Earth. But if you are using this information to PROVE the Earth is flat, you could get pushback. Interestingly, some well-respected Christian organizations try to use flight times to prove we live on a globe. Flight patterns and times might provide clues to the shape of the Earth — but they don’t PROVE anything. We need to look at the Earth itself to discover its shape.
FAKE SPACE: There are many solid videos with commentary that lend to the fact that NASA is faking space — which they must be doing if we live in an enclosed system on a flat, non-rotating earth. However, if someone is a staunch globe believer, they are going to find reasons to discount the evidence. And even if they accept that space is fake — it still doesn’t prove we live on a Flat Earth. If you are trying to prove FAKE SPACE — then by all means — take advantage of all the obviously fake footage. However, if you’re trying to prove we live on a Flat Earth — you should probably stick with that topic.
Moon Landing Mockery: IMO, it takes only three movies/videos to prove the moon landing was faked. 1) A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon by Bart Sibrel; 2) The fictional movie: Capricorn One starring James Brolin (use a language filter); and 3) The Apollo 11 Press Conference. However, many people who believe the moon landing was faked still refuse to consider that the Earth is flat. If you’re trying to prove Flat Earth — don’t look to the moon — look to the Earth.
Satellites and Sataloons: No doubt this is a fun topic to discuss (especially after the China Spy Balloon incident). However, we can’t look up to understand down. First, let’s prove whether or not the Earth is curved or flat — then we can try to figure out how these satellites work in the real world.
The Firmament: This is one topic that is near and dear to Flat Earthers — and rightly so. “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). Yet, your Christian friends have probably been taught either the water canopy theory or the expanse theory concerning the firmament — even though Hebrew and Ancient Cosmology taught a solid dome for millennia. “They just didn’t have the science to figure out the truth,” they’ll say. Save this gem until after you’ve proved there’s no curvature on the Earth. However, it is also a great conversation starter for the uninitiated. “What do you think God meant when He created the Firmament to separate the waters above from the waters below?” Great way to open the door for further discussions.
NASA Means Deceiver: People who trust NASA are under a deep, satanic spell. They don’t yet know and understand NASA’s occult origins, their Disney and Hollywood connections, or their NAZI foundation — and chances are they won’t believe you — because the deception is so complete. If you’re able to have the Flat Earth discussion — start with the evidence that PROVES the Earth is flat. After that, it will be easier to prove that NASA is deceiving the whole world with its sorceries. You could also use this as a conversation starter. “What do you know about NASA and Operation Paperclip?” Or: “Why do you think NASA has ties with the occult?” Just throwing out ideas to open the door to further discussions.
Freemasonry and the Jesuits: It’s so hard to tell my readers to ignore these critical components of the Globe deception when trying to prove we live on a Flat Earth. Freemasons have allegiances above Christ, meaning they must lie if they are told to, making them unreliable witnesses. Many of the early astronauts were Freemasons, including Buzz Aldrin and John Glenn. And Jesuits are even more tricky, infiltrating Christian organizations to promote their satanic agendas. But you can’t prove something is true by calling someone a liar. If you want to prove the Earth is Flat, you must let the Earth testify for itself. Soon, the lies will stand out like the noon sun.
This list is by no means exhaustive. Other peripheral issues might include geocentricism; Foucault’s Pendulum; the movement and distance of the sun and moon; meteors and asteroids; solar flares; the ice wall; sunlight in Antarctica; the Antarctic Treaty; etc.
If any of these ideas come up in the Flat Earth discussion, provide a short answer — then move the conversation back to the one thing that can be scientifically and verifiably discovered: Is the Earth curved or flat?
Again, I’m not saying to not use these items to get the conversation started. I’m merely suggesting, that when you get to the proof stage — leave these behind and focus on the ONE thing that you are trying to prove, namely that the EARTH IS FLAT.
Let’s move on to the fun stuff.
How to Prove the Earth Is Flat
We’ve looked at some of the arguments that are connected to Flat Earth — but don’t necessarily prove or disprove the claim. Let’s now look at the scientific evidence that irrefutably proves a Flat Earth.
Start with Globe Math
Mainstream science claims the Earth has a circumference of about 24,901 miles and a radius of 3,963 miles at sea level. That means that the Earth must curve at a rate of 8” per mile squared. This equation is accurate up to a distance of 1,000 miles. Read more about the limits here.
Another method to determine the curvature rate is to use the Earth Curvature Calculator, which is accurate for any distance. I’ve had an engineer look over this calculation and verify its accuracy.
Establish these facts with the person you are having the Flat Earth discussion with so you can be sure that you each agree with the “globe” model data.
Move to Elevations
Next, discuss how elevations work on a globe. Here’s a video to consider: How Elevations Work on a Globe.
The goal is to get them to agree that since elevations are based on sea level — then any surface with the same elevation would have to curve at about the same rate as discussed above. I’ve also had this information validated by an engineer (who happens to believe in the globe — but I’m praying for him).
We also determined that there may be a slight deviation due to the fact (if we lived on a globe) that the radius of the Earth would be slightly larger at a higher elevation — but it does not affect the outcome significantly.
Talk About Lakes
Lakes are measured by elevation. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) tracks and records lake levels across the United States. They track and publish lake levels in two ways: 1) acre-feet; and 2) elevation.
Visit the USACE website to see an example based on Lake Isabella — which is a lake near the town where I live. Here is a screenshot:
Notice, starting from the left, they track Date, Time, Elevation (in feet), and Storage (in acre-feet).
In the example above, at 2300 hours on September 15, 2023, Lake Isabella was at 2590.80 feet above sea level.
At that time, everywhere the lake touched the shore, it was at the same elevation (2590.80) across the entire water system. That includes every location in between as well.
As a side note: Our senses tell us that lakes are FLAT and LEVEL.
But what story do “global” elevations tell?
Return to Elevations
If sea level is at zero elevation — and the radius of the Earth is measured at sea level on a curved surface — then all the ocean water at zero elevation must curve at 8” per mile squared (up to 1,000 miles).
If we live on a globe, then all bodies of water must curve at a similar rate, including lakes.
This is their “science” and it is measurable.
A distance of
One linear mile should curve 8” in all directions
Two miles should curve 32” (2.67 feet)
Three miles should curve 72” (6 feet)
Four miles should curve 132” (10.67 feet)
Five miles should curve 200” (16.67 feet)
And so on.
And since lake elevations are relative to sea level — they too must curve at the same rate.
But do they in the real world?
This is 100% testable with high-powered optics and laser testing.
Distance Tests that Prove a Flat Earth
I’ve seen many beautiful examples of distance tests that prove there is no curvature on lakes — I’ve even conducted my own experiments to validate the data.
Below is one of the finest tests I’ve seen conducted which absolutely slays the globe model and definitively proves we live on a Flat Earth.
Flat Earth is a highly censored topic. So when you find a good video or resource on Flat Earth — save it if you can before it disappears.
This one is worth saving.