Flat Earth Resources for Family, Friends, and Spouses
A safe space to investigate the claims of Biblical Cosmology on your own
Hello Friends, Family, and Spouses’ of Friends and Family:
This post is a resource for those wishing to investigate Flat Earth. Consider it also a place to come when you need to find evidence to share with your friends or family. These resources are not exhaustive, but provide solid content along with commentary so you can anticipate the pitfalls you may encounter.
Note: This author writes from a perspective of Reformed Theology and Hopeful Eschatology — meaning the commentary will often note when this perspective is different from that of the information shared. If you don’t share this perspective, that’s okay. There’s still great information below.
Consider your investigation like eating a fish — enjoy the meat but spit out the bones. There may be false theology mingled into these resources — which is why I started this Substack in the first place. I desire to see solid, Reformed theologians step into the conversation and fill up the Flat Earth space with orthodox theology. People are hungry for it. Enjoy the meat. Spit out the bones.
I will update this list as new (and solid) resources come to my attention. Please feel free to send more resources to add to the list.
Sermon Series on Biblical Cosmology
The Sevenfold Doctrine of Creation by Dean Odle: This is an extremely compelling series of eight sermons on Biblical Cosmology. Odle digs into the Bible, NASA, FAKE SPACE, the firmament, distance tests, and so much more. Here are a few bones to spit out: Odle is an anti-Calvinist;1 he is occasionally inconsistent with his treatment of the Word;2 he is a doom and gloom dispensationalist;3 he relies heavily on the Book of Enoch;4 and he is dogmatic on a few issues that I would not be dogmatic about. The meat: this series provides enough evidence to convince anyone who is not sleeping that we are living on a flat, non-rotating earth — including a plethora of government documents that say as much. Don’t take my word for it, however. Take a listen and see what you conclude.
Pinnacle Baptist Church — Biblical Cosmology by Pastor Ray McBerry: This series pushed me over the edge to Flat Earth. Truly, I had enough knowledge after 500+ hours of research to realize the earth was flat and non-rotating. However, something held me back from accepting the truth. McBerry’s series so clearly laid out the Biblical Evidence for a Flat Earth and then supported it with Scientific Evidence — that I could no longer honestly pretend I didn’t believe. The videos confirmed everything I had already come to understand, sealing the deal for me. Bones to spit out: McBerry presents the information from a dispensational, future-antichrist, and future-tribulation perspective.5 Additionally, there are a few points where he is dogmatic that I would not be. Meat: Excellent presentation; lots of good information to consume. He never once mentions the Book of Enoch that I can recall.
Biblical Commentary on Revelation by Phil Kayser: Kayser is not a Flat Earther, but I am praying for him. His research is impeccable, and in most cases, he’s willing to listen to many different perspectives to see which best fits the truth of the Bible. If you are new to hopeful eschatology — or perhaps have never heard about it — I cannot recommend this series enough. Warning: It may shatter your world! Meat: 99% of this series is the highest caliber meat on the market. You decide which 1% to spit out. I didn’t understand Biblical Cosmology the first time I went through this series. So I might find more bones if I give this a second listen — especially now that I’ve come to accept Flat Earth.
Must Watch Documentaries on Flat Earth (and related topics)
Heliosorcery: Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism: This was the very first Flat Earth documentary I watched. Truth be told, it is NOT about Flat Earth, but rather Heliocentrism. This documentary answered for me the WHY behind the LIE. It made perfect sense, and I researched a good portion of it to verify if the claims were true. Everything I investigated panned out. Bones to spit out: This documentary is made by Earthen Vessels, which is an openly 7th Day Adventist organization. Most of what they put out on Flat Earth is solid — but I’ve noticed a tendency in this group to deny the third person in the Trinity.
Lost History of Flat Earth: This was the second Flat Earth documentary I watched. It is fascinating. Hard to know what to chew on and what to spit out. But it is worth a watch when you have about six hours. Consider this a trek through ancient architecture, lost history, and advanced technology. One trick I’ve learned when watching long documentaries or listening to lengthy podcasts: Speed up the delivery time when able.
Movies or Documentaries to Rent
I’ve listed the prices to rent these movies, which are accurate as of the time of writing. Prices are subject to change at the owner’s discretion.
Origins Untold: Ancient Cosmology by Fesiuk Films: $5.99. This film came out in 2023 and it packs a punch! Worth every penny — plus renting it helps the producers continue putting out quality content. This is the PERFECT entry-level Flat Earth video. What do I mean by that? It’s easy to watch and understand. It hits many of the main points of Biblical Cosmology (Flat Earth) from the perspective of a “seeker.” It is the perfect video to introduce your friends to Flat Earth. Bones: The opening scene is off-putting, but it sets the stage for a seeker to start his journey.
Level: The Truth Is Hard to Swallow by Hibbeler Productions: $4.00. There will be bones to spit out. The Level franchise is not committed to Biblical Cosmology, but they put out some thought-provoking material. This movie may be available for free on the Internet if you search for it. This first installment covers the basic understanding of our true cosmology and the heavy censorship involved in discovering this truth.
The Next Level: The Truth Cannot Be Stopped by Hibbeler Productions: $4.00. There will be bones to spit out. The Level franchise is not committed to Biblical Cosmology, but they put out some thought-provoking material. This movie may be available for free on the Internet if you search for it. The second “Level” movie seeks to answer the big question of “Why the lie?” It also dives into how John D. Rockefeller and Georges Lemaître changed the course of history as we know it.
Level With Me: The Truth Can Set You Free by Hibbeler Productions: $5.00. There will be bones to spit out. The Level franchise is not committed to Biblical Cosmology, but they put out some thought-provoking material. This movie may be available for free on the Internet if you search for it. The third installment in the Level franchise dives into the proof that our space agencies are fraudulent and have been stealing our tax money for too long. Learn how they fool the masses with CGI, green screens, harnesses, and a fantasy heliocentric world. This documentary also sets out to show the inconsistencies with the theory of gravity.
The Mechanical Realm by Real Truth Seekers: $10-$15. I was super excited to watch this movie because it talked about the Antikythera mechanism. I was extra-critical when watching this movie because it was the first Flat Earth movie my husband was willing to watch with me. The movie did not deliver as I had hoped. It is still worth a watch to learn more about the Antikythera mechanism — which is a 2000-year-old computer recently discovered in a ship wreck that nearly perfectly maps the movement of the celestials — even predicting eclipses. I ran into issues when purchasing the movie because it originates in Spain, and the foreign accents in this documentary make it difficult for American speakers to understand. The technology was not up to par for watching the video — and my computer kept going to sleep. In addition, they overplay the idea that the Antikythera mechanism proves we live on a Flat Earth (even though I believe it does). There is repetition to the point of annoyance. I do believe that many conclusions are correct. Big bones: there is occultism promoted by some in this documentary — use extreme caution. Yet, I would still recommend that you watch this documentary to learn about the ancient technology that is being hidden from us.
Books on Flat Earth
The Cosmology Conflict by Chris Sparks: “While many Bible-believing Christians denounce evolution and the Big Bang theory for the satanic frauds that they are, there is another link in the chain of pseudo-science that mocks God’s Word. This link appears to have slipped under the radar, and it is none other than the globe.” This book exposes the globe lie and turns us back to what the Bible teaches about the true nature of the Cosmos. It’s about 60 pages and loaded with footnotes to document the information so you can verify the information yourself. It includes an excellent treatment of the firmament. Bones: This book is put out by Earthen Vessels, which is a Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) organization. In this book, they falsely attribute “faith” to keeping the Saturday Sabbath. Yet, the early church (before Constantine) acknowledged that the OT foreshadowed the switch to a First Day Sabbath or an Eight Day Sabbath, and the NT commanded a First Day Sabbath. Sadly, this truth is obscured by faulty English translations, but it is evident in the original Greek. You can read more about the First Day Sabbath concept here. The material is available for sale in print or FREE to read online. More bones: In Chapter Two, the author asserts without providing evidence that Augustine was responsible for much of the error in Christian doctrine in the early church. I would disagree with this assessment. However, I would agree with the danger of putting stock in pagan philosophers — the church must separate from the profane teachings of the world.
Like Clay Under a Seal by Dean Odle: Available for purchase on Amazon. As an Amazon affiliate, I will earn a small commission if you purchase from any link on this page from Amazon. I’m going to start with the bones — because that’s where the book begins. Odle spends a lot of time discussing dispensational end-of-the-world information. I believe dispensationalism is part of the overall lie to deceive mankind into believing that Satan owns this world, not God, and Satan will only continue deceiving until the world ends. I don’t believe that is the message of the Bible. Read more about how I came to that conclusion here. However, the information provided in this book is worth looking at. Odle provides a plethora of research into the occult origins of NASA. He also provides a large sample of government documents that disclose the fact they use data based on a flat, non-rotating earth to engineer their flight craft, missile trajectories, and the like. This is a solid resource for the discerning eye.
Flat Earth FAQ by Eric Dubay: Do you have questions about how things work on a Flat Earth? Chances are Dubay covers them in his book with both science and common sense. This is the perfect Coffee Table Book to introduce your friends and family to Flat Earth. Bones: Dubay is a New Age believer and some consider him to be controlled opposition. His Flat Earth info is usually spot on, but you probably don’t want to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Always use discernment. As a bonus, you can probably find this book free on YouTube as an audiobook. That’s how I listened to this book. I will not provide a link because they get pulled off of YouTube all the time. Search for it and you may find it.
One Hundred Proofs that The Earth Is Not a Globe by Wm. Carpenter: This book is available for FREE at archive dot org. If the above link doesn’t work, reach out and I will see that you get a copy. I always try to back up my resources. One Hundred Proofs is a little different than other books because it was written in 1885. This is an important fact because it picks up after PARALLAX, aka Dr.Samuel B. Rowbotham, the Founder of the Zetetic Astronomy died. Some modern globe-believers try to demonstrate that a resurgence in Flat Earth theory is a new phenomenon. However, this is just not the case. Realize as you read this that the author was living in a different world without NASA’s images of the Earth. He was speaking from a perspective of known truth from his day.
200 Proofs Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball by Eric Dubay: If 100 proofs in 1885 don’t convince you, perhaps 200 in the modern era will do the trick. This book no doubt was inspired by Wm. Carpenter’s work. But it is updated and expanded for a modern audience. Bones: Dubay is a New Age believer and some consider him to be controlled opposition. His Flat Earth info is usually spot on, but you probably don’t want to subscribe to his YouTube channel. Always use discernment. As a bonus, you can probably find this book free on YouTube as an audiobook.
Personal Testimonies of Flat Earth
My Journey to Biblical Cosmology by Joshua Baines: In this testimony, a former day-age creationist explains how he came to embrace Biblical Cosmology. He shares his journey through perspective, phenomenological language, evidence, logic, axioms, and presuppositional apologetics to come to the conclusion that we live on a flat, non-rotating earth — just as we experience daily and as the Bible teaches. He presents one of the best laid-out arguments for Flat Earth that I’ve heard. Bones: This is an Earthen Vessel (7th Day Adventist) production.
Flat Earth Friendly Podcasts
The Flat Earth Files with George Hobbs: George is a great guy and a genuine believer. He answers questions like Why the Lie? and shares many resources for additional study on Flat Earth and other conspiracies. George is easy to listen to, and the podcast is addicting. Bones: George takes the approach that everyone should have a voice — and it is our job to spit out the bones. He allows people on the show to share theology from their perspective — and sometimes very bad theology and ideas creep in. Discernment is necessary. George is on a journey of his own — and is always open to new ideas and corrections. I was a guest on Episode 49 of The Flat Earth Files and Hobbs read a section from my discussion on the Trinity in Episode 86.
Flat Earth App
The Flat Earth Clock by Dave Weiss: This app holds the keys to a plethora of information on our Flat Earth. Watch the location of the sun and moon in real-time on your smartphone as the app keeps time for you. Find Flat Earth friends, resources, memes, videos, books, FAQs, and so much more. Learn something every day by watching the video of the day. Use referral code FEHOPE to let Dave know who referred you to the app. Download the app here. Use code FEHOPE. The cost is $3.99 for basic and can be upgraded with more features for $10.99. I have the full version. Bones: Not 100% committed to Biblical Cosmology. Use discernment.
YouTube Playlists on Various Topics
Most of these playlists come from the Flat Earth App so use the same caution as above. There is so much more information on the Flat Earth Clock than shared below. If you do download the app, please use code FEHOPE.
What do pilots, scientists, and government officials say about Flat Earth?
Is the International Space Station faking their video footage?
Flat Earth Friendly Blogs and Websites
Flat Out Hope: This is my website — and it has a treasure trove of resources to share with your friends and family. Here’s a great post to share: How to Prove We Live on a Flat Earth.
Dispatches from Reality with Scipio Eruditus: This substack is not dedicated to Flat Earth — but Scipio understands Flat Earth through and through. Hear his Flat Earth testimony on Episode 87 of Flat Earth Files. Scipio is a researcher extraordinaire and a defender of the faith. Bones: I have not read every article he has written so use discernment as you ought with all things. Read my commentary on an article he wrote dealing with the democide brought about by Operation Warp Speed: Is Your Government Trying to Kill You?
If you are sharing Flat Earth truths from a Reformed or Hopeful perspective, please reach out to me and I will include your website or other information here.
Fake Moon Landing
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon by Bart Sibrel (2013): This video exposes how they faked the moon landing. Bones: use discernment.
Apollo 11 Press Conference (1969): This is history. Watch Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins sullenly discuss their trip to the moon.
Capricorn One (1977): Use a language filter for this entertaining fiction account of how NASA faked a Mars Mission to save the space program. Compare notes with the Apollo 11 Press Conference when watching the astronauts talk to their wives from “space.”
Resources from the Dark Side of the Globe
Old Testament Cosmology by Michael S Heiser: In this video, Michael Heiser, globe enthusiast and Christian “scholar” admits that the Bible teaches Flat Earth Cosmology, with a hard firmament that separates the waters from the waters.
Christians Who Believe the Earth is Really Flat — Does It Get Any Dumber Than This? by Michael S Heiser: In this article, Heiser calls Christians who believe Biblical Cosmology (i.e. Flat Earth with a firmament) dumb. Keep in mind that Heiser says it is “biblical” but those who believe it are “dumb.”
This is a great start. I will add resources as they become available. Again, please feel free to share anything you feel is worthy to include in this collection — if I feel it is a good fit, I will add it. Thanks in advance.
John Calvin was one of the great Protestant Reformers who understood the evils of the Roman Catholic Church — and sought to correct church doctrine back to the Bible. He also spoke out strongly against heliocentrism.
For example, Odle claims to take the Word of God literally — yet he laughs at the Apostle Paul for commanding a “holy kiss” — saying he’s not going to do that.
This Substack is called Flat Out Hope for a reason. We believe that the purpose of the church is to tear down all the strongholds of Satan in the power and authority of Christ until there is justice on earth (Isaiah 9:6-7; 42:1-4; Ephesians 1:15-23; Colossians 1:13-20, etc.).
I find the book of Enoch very interesting. It seems certain church fathers like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and Tertullian believed it was a legitimate book. Plus, Jude quotes from it. However, many people in my circles would not use it to validate any doctrine. Rather, they would stick with the Bible alone. And I agree. That’s why I mention the caveat. And I am open to correction as the Lord directs.
I believe Phil Kayser and other scholars — as well as the Bible — prove that the Antichrist figure was alive at the time the Bible was written (1 John 4:3) — and that the tribulation happened in the first century AD. Jesus testified these things would come upon the generation He was speaking to (Matthew 24:34); John himself testified that these things were about to happen (Revelation 1:1,3) and that he was part of the kingdom and the tribulation (Revelation 1:9). Learn more about the dating of the book of Revelation.