News Flash: Satan Doesn’t Care if You Believe the Earth Is Flat or a Sphere
Controlled Opposition, Candace Owen, Roseanne Barr, and Flat Earth
Look at your feet.
How many toes do you have?
I’m going to step on at least a few of them today.
Flat Earth discussions have been getting a little too close for comfort in the mainstream “conservative” news.
Should we be giddy for the exposure, cautious of controlled opposition, or recognize the need for solid Christian leaders to take the lead in Biblical Cosmology?
Perhaps it is all of the above.
Candace Owens Going Flat?
I was a bit surprised to learn that Candace Owens has been mentioning Flat Earth on her podcast and reporting on the occult origins of NASA. She has put out some solid material on the topic that I would encourage you to listen to.
Listen to Candace Owens give some air time to the topic of Flat Earth:
Listen to Candace Owens expose the occult origins of NASA:
The discussions have sent shockwaves in the media that have reached as far as Newsweek magazine: “Candace Owens has described science as a ‘pagan faith,’ after saying she had been reading literature supporting the theory that Earth is flat, rather than spherical.”1
In other news, Owens recently announced that she has “come home” to Catholicism2 and is promoting the Catholic app “Hallow” on her podcast, encouraging others to follow her in the Catholic faith.
Surprisingly, Candace Owens isn’t the only “mainstream” conservative (so-called) that has brought the Flat Earth discussion to their audience.
Roseanne Barr Going Flat?
Roseanne Barr recently had David Weiss (aka Flat Earth Dave) on her podcast discussing — you’ll never guess it — the Flat Earth.
It too was a great discussion. I recommend you take a listen. I learned some things. You are an adult and a Christian (I presume) — so use your God-given discernment as you consider what is being said. All things must be filtered through the lens of Scripture, the ultimate source of truth.
Okay. Now that we got that background out of the way, let me tell you my story — if you want to call it a story.
Is There More to the Story?
After learning about Candace Owens’ investigation into the Flat Earth, I listened first to her podcast on the occult origins of NASA. The information was not new to me. I was truly thankful to hear someone in the mainstream news, someone with a platform large enough to make it into Newsweek magazine, talk about it. I guarantee that very FEW people writing about the nefarious origins of the beloved space agency would meet the criteria. I know for certain that I would not.
So as soon as I listened to the podcast (at least the portion dealing with NASA) — I shared it on my FB page and then in one of my favorite Flat Earth groups. Shout out to Jen’s Biblical Flat Earth Academy. If you’re not yet a member, check it out. 18.7K members are talking about Biblical Cosmology.
Here’s what that looked like:
As a result of posting this question, “Has anyone been listening to Candace Owens lately?” people in that group made some interesting comments. I will not name names as it is a private group. I won’t even quote anyone verbatim. However, I will share a sampling of how the FE community views Candace Owens.
She is part of the agenda
She is one of them
She is a pawn
She is controlled opposition
She is a he
She’s part of the T-virus club (whatever that is — maybe it relates to the previous bullet)
She gives the hand signals that prove she is part of the club
She is not one to trust, don’t be deceived
She is a Baphomet inverted worshipper
To provide balance: some members supported Candace Owens and were glad she was speaking out on this topic. And I admit, that was my first thought. Others were vocal about being tired of hearing the narrative that every celebrity is a he/she or she/he — and that they are all controlled opposition.
It was a lively discussion, something I appreciate.
So it was with this background that I had my next discovery about Roseanne Barr’s podcast featuring Flat Earth Dave.
I chose not to share the Roseanne Barr interview in Jen's Biblical Flat Earth Academy as I suspected I would get the same kind of controlled opposition response as with Candace Owens. I did share it on my personal FB page as well as listen to it in its entirety. It was a good podcast. However, I've gleaned a few tidbits that have helped me develop an opinion on the controlled opposition angle which I will share below.
In the podcast, Roseanne Barr revealed her interest in the Torah. She considered herself a Jew and was certain that the Internet was censoring the truth about the Jewish religion. That’s when she KNEW that Internet censorship was real — and that’s WHY she could even entertain the idea of Flat Earth — or discuss it on her podcast. At least that’s the way I understood it.
So…where does that leave us?
Learning Against Learning
In my opinion, this discussion takes us straight back to the Protestant Reformation, the Order of the Jesuits, and the doctrine of learning against learning.
Admittedly, my brain takes in data and draws sweeping logical conclusions. I know that you cannot read my mind. Nor have you gathered the same intel in the same order. So I will take you through my logic flow and grant you access to my reasoning and processes to see if you see a similar thread. Then I will explain how I make the connection to the Protestant Reformation.
In the documentary Heliosorcery: Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism, the narrator reveals how unnerving it was to the Roman Catholic Church that the Bible could be read by paupers and plowboys. As a result, Rome enacted a counter-reformation of “learning against learning” to turn people away from the Bible and Protestantism and back to the Roman Catholic Church. The Society of Jesus (aka the Order of the Jesuits) was formed — and has been infiltrating churches, educational institutions, and societies since it was founded. You can learn more about their sordid history in this book: The Secret Instructions of the Jesuits.
It should be no surprise that evil men infiltrate the church to bring about destructive heresies. The Bible talks about them creeping in unnoticed to deceive people (Jude 1:4). It's no secret. And it is the exact plan of the Jesuits — to raise some to be the best influencers (including so-called conservatives and Christian leaders) possible so they can turn opinion away from the truth. This is why we must not trust any man, despite their credentials. We must investigate all matters ourselves, using logic, wisdom, and discernment to draw conclusions — with the Scripture as the ultimate guide.
The Other Roman Road
It is most critical to remember that Rome once burned Christians alive for trying to get the Bible into the hands of the masses. They did NOT want to let go of their power. If Rome controlled the God narrative and heaven’s gates — then the people would need them and they could enslave the people, keep them in darkness, and steal their money.
On the other hand, if the people could read the Bible for themselves, they would realize that the church was corrupt and was not teaching the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result, the Roman Catholic Church would lose their stranglehold on the masses.
At some point, Rome realized that burning Christians was no longer a sufficient strategy to keep the Bible out of the hands of the people. The printing press put a stop to all their plans. The dispensation of truth had hit critical mass. Rome couldn’t kill enough people to stop the damage. A new plan was needed.
Instead of outright assault, they would resort to subterfuge to make people question the validity of the Bible through education and science so-called. This would be a subtle trick to call people to “come home” to Rome.
The Whore of Babylon and the AntiChrist
Let me take a quick break here to remind you that shortly after the Protestant Reformation, a document called the Westminster Confession of Faith was established. In that document (and other Protestant writings), the Westminster divines reveal how corrupt the Roman Catholic Church had become, to the point that they called the Pope antichrist. We may not know for sure whether they had the end-time archetype evil villain antichrist in mind or the biblical antichrist discussed by the Apostle John (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3). However, we do know this for sure: The Roman Catholic Church was apostate. And in case you’ve forgotten: They are still apostate today.
We are not just talking about a bit of bad doctrine here or there — the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) had left the fundamental truths of the gospel and was sending people to Hell. They had adopted occult practices and were robbing the poor through trickery. The RCC had become as vile to God as the Jewish Synagogue system had during the time of Christ and up to the destruction of the temple in 70AD. Both religions had abandoned the One True God and had enjoined themselves to idols and the mystery Babylon cult.
This is why in Revelation, John called Apostate Israel the Whore of Babylon (Revelation 17:5).3 They were steeped in the mystery religion of Babylon which was historically seen when Roman armies carried away the articles of the temple after its destruction in AD70.4
The Roman Catholic Church had fallen into the same errors. The Protestant Reformation wasn’t over a few silly doctrines. The RCC did not want people to know the way of salvation and the way to Christ. They were withholding eternal life from the people.
Christ Alone Saves
This brings me to another idea, namely that in Christ’s words that you are either for Him or against Him. I write about that here: Is Antichrist Alive and Well?
Here’s the bottom line, Satan has one main objective, and it is not to prove the earth is a globe. Rather, he wants to keep people from receiving the Word of Christ.
There is no other name given among men whereby we can be saved. Christ alone is the only hope for the people.
If we are not FOR Christ, we are against Him. Jesus Christ is NOT a generic Creator. Believing in a Creator is NOT going to save you.
Even our beloved Flat Earth Dave wants to call people to the Creator. But knowing the Creator is not enough to be saved. We must know His Name and how He reveals Himself in the Bible.
Did you know the ONE non-negotiable requirement for a person to become a Freemason? You MUST believe in a creator god.
Masons believe in a real, personal, and active God. While Masonry does not require belief in a particular God, it does require a Mason to believe in a supreme God, however conceived by the individual Mason. Additionally, it is the responsibility of each Mason to discover that God more perfectly and to conform to the highest moral precepts and virtues of that God. Masonry is not a religion, though it requires and encourages religious belief, and though it often expresses its own principles in religious and other symbols. 5
Those who have studied freemasonry know that at the higher degrees, Lucifer is their Supreme Being.6
If you think believing in a creator is going to get you to heaven, you are as deceived as a Freemason. There is only ONE name given among men whereby they must be saved (Acts 4:10-12).
There is only ONE way to the Father — through His only begotten Son (John 14:6).
So let me get back to my line of logic.
Who Cares If It’s Flat or Round?
Satan doesn’t care if you believe in the Flat Earth or a spherical globe. All he is concerned with is whether or not he can drag you to hell or get you to break the commandments of God.
Presenting the spherical earth model has surely made its share of atheists. It has also caused “so-called” solid Christian men and women to doubt the Bible, even though they claim to believe every word. Start saying the earth is stationary and the sun is moving — and suddenly NASA becomes the final authority. Sadly, the deception has led many professing believers astray.
NASA and its priests have convinced the world, even Christians, to sacrifice their fellow brothers and sisters on the altar of credulity if they start reading their Bibles as truth, accepting God’s authoritative word on Cosmology above science so-called. This tactic has worked sufficiently for decades or more — a burning at the stake, if you will.
Yet, the idols are falling. People are doing their own experiments, trusting God’s Word, and realizing the world is flat. More and more Christians and non-Christians alike are speaking out and shouting about the shape of the earth as FLAT.
Once again, burning people at the stake is losing its usefulness to stop the forward movement of the reality of God’s creation. The truth is coming out and it cannot be stopped.
So here’s where controlled opposition comes into play. I will NOT say that Candace Owens, Roseanne Barr, and **gasp** Flat Earth Dave are controlled opposition, even though I have an opinion. Rather, I will share a grid for you to consider yourself.
How to Identify Controlled Opposition
Here are a list of questions to consider when trying to identify controlled opposition:
Are they promoting Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life?
Do they preach the name above all names (Jesus Christ of the Bible) or a generic Creator?
Are they trying to lead you back to the Apostate Roman Catholic Church (the antichrist system) or the King of kings?
Do they accept the Hebrew God of the Old Testament but reject Christ? Jesus said the Torah was about HIM.
Are they trying to point you back to the Whore of Babylon and the Synagogue of Satan?
If someone is preaching Flat Earth or even Biblical Cosmology but they are not preaching Christ — they are controlled opposition.
But here’s another important question to ask: Who is controlling the opposition? If these folks are not controlled by the Living God, His Christ, and His Spirit — they are under the sway of the evil one. There is no neutrality.
How to Deal with Controlled Opposition
How then ought we handle those who are speaking out about the Flat Earth but not preaching Christ? I’m gonna step on some more toes here.
We should take the same position and posture as the Apostle Paul when he faced controlled opposition.
Some indeed preach Christ even from envy and strife, and some also from goodwill: The former preach Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my chains; but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached; and in this I rejoice, yes, and will rejoice.
— Philippians 1:15-18
If people are preaching about the Flat Earth for the wrong motives, we can still be thankful that they are exposing the truth. We can also pray for them that God might help them escape from the snare of the devil. We also must be ever mindful that the Roman Catholic Church cannot save, Judaism cannot save, a generic creator cannot save, and a generic God cannot save.
Not even the Flat Earth can save us.
There is only one God that can save.
“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).
Even though Flat Earth can’t save — it can lead people to the Savior. That is exactly what God intended His creation to do. “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). God’s handiwork in creation leaves men without an excuse that there is a creator (Romans 1:20).
How shall we respond?
Call to Action
Flat Earth can lead people to the Creator. But in order for it to lead people to Christ, there must be a preacher.
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
— Romans 10:14
Godly men and women must call people to turn from their sins and to Christ. We cannot allow the controlled opposition to control the Flat Earth narrative and lead people astray.
For this reason, it is critical for godly pastors who are solid in the true faith to take a stand and take the lead in Biblical Cosmology. Souls are at stake. People are hungry. We are hitting critical mass. God could use this revelation of the Flat Earth to draw many sons to glory.
How many faithful men and women are willing to go to the flames for the truth?
Learn how Apostate Israel, Jerusalem, and the corrupted Priesthood were identified as the Whore of Babylon in the sermon by Phillip Kayser: The Identity of the Whore Babylon. I truly recommend the entire series.
Learn more about how Apostate Israel was steeped in the mystery religion of Babylon in the sermon series by Phillip Kayser: The Sins of the Whore.
A Response to A Mason by Scipio Eruditus