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The Creation of God Has A Story to Tell

Original Biblical Cosmology Music Video by Flat Out Hope

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Original Lyrics by Mischelle Sandowich:


The creation of God has a story to tell It declares God’s goodness to a world bent on hell Leaves men no excuse to the glory of God Hallelujah! He’s made His attributes seen. Hallelujah! God wants men to see.

[Verse One]

God created the blue firmament bright Placed sun, moon, and stars to give us our light The waters above still sing praise to His name Molten glass sky is as firm as His frame

[Verse Two]

Sun runs it circuit in heaven above Stars have a glory and course of their own The moon has her own light to govern the night God’s glory surpasses all other light


The creation of God has a story to tell It declares God’s goodness to a world bent on hell Leaves men no excuse to the glory of God Hallelujah! He’s made His attributes seen Hallelujah! God wants men to see.

[Verse Three]

God stabled earth on foundation and pier Founded on water, established on deep The world is not moving no matter what’s told Our God is faithful and firm is His hold

[Verse Four]

He measured the line and laid out its size Gave the horizon to see with our eyes The seas they are level and flat lands are flat God made the earth so that we could see that


The creation of God has a story to tell It declares God’s goodness to a world bent on hell Leaves men no excuse to the glory of God Hallelujah! He’s made His attributes seen. Hallelujah! God wants men to see.

[Chorus Extended

Hallelujah! He’s made His attributes seen.

Hallelujah! God wants men to see.

Hallelujah! He’s made His attributes seen.

Hallelujah! God wants men to see.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20 NKJV

Music and vocals by

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Flat Out Hope
Flat Out Hope Podcast
Discussions about Flat Earth from the perspective of Reformed Theology and Hopeful Eschatology.